Dott Arch Mladen Krekić, Ksenija Bulatović dipl.ing.arh., Goran Andrejin dipl.ing.arh. BUSINESSART / project leader/
The Design goal is the reconstruction of Shopping Mall KAMELIJA in Kotor. The Building consists of two segments. The first segment is required to be preserved entirely, while another segment is to be remodeled in a modern way.
Since the Building is intended for a shopping mall, the Building mass is divided as per the horizontal principle, whereby levels of the preserved building are maintained. The Department Store top level is lined with a material matching with the preserved-building roof shade thus imitating roof surfaces, which used to be there once. In such way, the height of newly-designed building is visually reduced as well. A terrace with a view to the sea is located on the front at heist levels.